2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 KJV

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: [2] And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith.

We at Operation Mordecai are dedicated to the mission that the Word of God has free course throughout the world. It is a tragic reality that much of the world is unreached by the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is not to say that they have heard the gospel and rejected it, but that they have never even heard of the good news of Jesus Christ!

There are 17,317 people groups in the world (according to the source known as The Joshua Project). Of those people groups, 7,282 of those groups are unreached by the gospel. hey have NEVER HEARD THE NAME JESUS! 42.1% of people groups are unreached. Out of the world population of 8.08 billion souls, 3.34 billion souls (or 42.5% of the world population) have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ even one time. One extremely pertinent factor to this is the fact that many of these people groups live in difficult to reach and dangerous environments or terrain.

Operation Mordecai was established with the burden to see the gospel of Jesus Christ flourish in difficult places of the world. Our passion is to reach those who seem out of reach with the gospel, to establish churches in these environments, and to continue to disciple, train, and equip them to reach their regions for Christ. We are uniquely equipped to reach environments where typical missionary presence is difficult or impossible.We do this by infiltrating those areas to reach the lost or to work with existing foreign and local national missionaries in their fields.

Line of men with backpacks walking into a remote village.

High Risk Missions Training

Operation Mordecai offers high quality physical, mental, and spiritual training to anyone burdened to make a difference for Christ. We work with youth and mature believers in encouraging them to take any or all of the required steps to bring the gospel of our Lord and Savior to the uttermost parts of the earth and return.

Do you have the burden to reach souls for Christ? Do you have what it takes to go to the uttermost environs of the world to bring the Light to those living in darkness? Let us help you find out and humbly train you up in the way you should go.

3-Phase Training Approach:
1. Three-day Training Excursion into difficult terrain. Specifically designed to push candidates safely outside their comfort levels, mentally challenge them, and encourage them to allow the Holy Spirit to shift spiritual paradigms. This promotes massive spiritual and emotional growth through hardship and practical biblical applications.

2. Three-week Comprehensive Training Course. This extensive course safely pushes students to their physical, mental, and spiritual limits while expert cadre provide them with practical skills required for 3rd world living on the mission field. Survival & Bushcraft skills, Personal & Corporate Security skills, Wilderness Medical skills, and bible driven Mission Ethos training is provided and honed throughout this tough 21-day course.

3. Mission Deployment Opportunities. All of the skills and knowledge in the world are completely vain if they are not applied towards the glory of God. In this phase Operation Mordecai cadre escort the operators on real-world missions trips to locations such as Sierra Leone in order to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. The operators use their hard earned skills and knowledge to survive, flourish, preach the gospel, and return with honor.

Course Requirements:
3-day Training Excursion: $75/candidate. Ages 14 & up. Candidates are required to possess a basic level of physical fitness (carry 40 lbs over rough terrain, perform 20 pushups, run a mile without stopping, etc). Candidates are required to provide their own basic camping gear according to a provided packing list.

3-Week Comprehensive Course:
Approx. $1,500/Student. Ages 18 & up (16 with a waiver). Students will be required to have a moderate level of physical fitness. Students are required to provide their own gear according to a provided packing list, as well as all travel expenses to the training camp.

Mission Deployment:
Cost determined by mission location/situation; approx. $4,000. Ages 18 & up. Operators will be required to have successfully graduated the 3-week Comprehensive Course (or provide applicable experience). Operators are required to provide their own gear according to a provided packing list. All travel accommodations are scheduled and secured by Operation Mordecai Travel Department.

Glenn and kids in the mission field

Revival Preaching

All of our preparation for physical defense is to no avail if we lose sight of our job to take the light of the gospel to a dying world. It’s been often said that the best defense is a good offense. In this mindset our preaching centers around the very real spiritual war that rages around us and calls the church to arms spiritually. We call the Christian to their duty to both enlist in service to The Lord and engage the real enemy through love and the Word of God! We firmly believe that the spiritual affects the physical and why we do something changes how we go about it. In this way we keep the proper perspective in our church security training.

Glenn Preaching

Womens Safety and Self Defense

OM women's self-defense class promotes safety, security, awareness, and tactical training. Our primary woman’s self-defense instructor is Jenn Cole. Jenn has spent multiple years in private security and martial arts. One of her passions with this training is to combat human trafficking and sexual abuse. Jenn’s main instructor in women’s self-defense is Julia Valencia, a current law enforcement officer, co-owner of Raider Tactical, and US Martial Arts hall of fame inductee. This training is designed to help equip teens and women with exceptional situational awareness, what to look for and what to avoid as well as what do if or when they are faced with a self-defense situation.

Jenn Cole Teaching Class

Handgun Training

We offer nationally recognized USCCA certified training in Concelled Carry and Self Defense as well as Countering the Mass Shooter Threat. We understand that many church members in the US practice concealed handgun carry. We also know that the highest danger to an armed church security team may very well be its own armed members. Responding to a potential armed threat in a church auditorium crowded with people presents an extremely dynamic environment to an armed responder. We strive to provide realistic understanding of armed conflict and tools to help your members be safe and effective should the need ever arise to employ a handgun in self-defense.

Handgun Training

Medical Training

We also offer medical training. Statistically speaking, your security team will be more likely to experience a medical emergency more often than a security threat. We have several experienced personnel with civilian EMT as well as military medic and combat life saver qualifications.

Mike Teaching Class

Training Costs

Schedule a meeting with Operation Mordecai.
